Dreaming of a steamy, languid tropical escape? Head to Southeast Asia, which has a dazzling array of sandy options in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, the Philippines, Vietnam, and even East Timor.
Sri Lanka, Nepal ban import of Indian poultry products
Somewhat surprisingly for many arm-chair experts, inequality in India has stayed broadly constant over the last 25 high-growth years.
If Admiral Mehta's warning that India is long way off from catching up to China can generate the requisite debate in the Indian political establishment about the rise of China and its implications for Indian strategy, he would have done his bit for the nation.
In reality SAARC is largely a name board with annual rituals, not always regularly observed.
When we can raise your voice for 2,000 Muslims (the official figures are much less) killed in Gujarat and we should, we must cry from the rooftops for 2.4 million Hindus killed in 1971 or the 250,000 Kashmiri Pandits forced out of their homes in Kashmir. Why do we not?
Despite the phenomenal rise of the People's Republic, all is not rosy in the Middle Kingdom and the Ox Year may be one of the most difficult of the People's Republic's 60 years of existence. The economic crisis has also brought its tale of desperation, not only in China, but also in Tibet. China watchers agree that it could be a time bomb.
The Asian games are getting bigger and better.
'It is not the individuals, but the system of propaganda and inducement of hatred that is to blame. And that suits the Pakistani establishment just fine: It sustains their failing State.'
It is not the border, nor Tibet and the Dalai Lama issue, but the growing relationship between Pakistan and China which gives the Indian Mandarins at the East Asian desk at the Ministry of External Affairs a headache.
More suspected SARS patients have been detained in several places around the country.
A UK-based nuclear medicine doctor presents his case on the existence of Lord Krishna in a documentary.
The impact of corruption continues to grow in nations around the world.
In the next 25 years, we are looking at a maritime force that is truly a large blue water navy and an air force that is in reality an aerospace force.
Take the Rediff Business Quiz and see how much you know about this important regional group.
'There are double standards in terms of who is accused of crimes against humanity. I am yet to hear of any white Westerner who stands so accused, although there are some deserving candidates.'
Eight hundred million people are illiterate. John Wood aims to change that.
Valmiki knew Ram to be a human, a noble man, the best of his era and in his time wrote the Ramayana as both were contemporary. He has also shown Ram to possess human traits and emotions, just like any ordinary person. We, in our blind faith, have accentuated the question marks on the historicity of Ram and Ramayana by treating Ramayana like a fable and depicting its noble characters as birds and animals.
That garden stone, handmade carpet or embroidered T-shirt you just bought was probably made by child labor.